Directorate of Public Education, Ministry of Education, Government of Chile

Research, Strategy and Design for the web ecosystem of the Directorate of Public Education, an entity under the Ministry of Education that is responsible for coordinating and leading the transformation of public education in Chile after the modification of the law 21.040 in 2017, its mission is to build a local and national system, and strengthen the capacities of educational institutions, through its link with the territory, which is embodied in the Local Services of public education (SLEP).

Part of the strategy was to separate them into two types of sites, one for the Directorate of Public Education and the other for the Local Education Services. The site of the DEP has a more symbolic role of showing progress in the transformation of public education in Chile and seeks to be a convening entity to achieve this transformation, i.e. it has a more communicational purpose, while the site of each SLEP, is the operational link between the institutionality and the territory, whose site houses relevant documentation for different instances of citizen participation.

Research instances were generated in order to recognize the particular needs and the regularity of each actor of the public education system, students, parents, directors, teachers, education assistants, among others. For this, a study of users was developed through interviews that allowed us to generate a qualitative segmentation of users, to understand their relationship with the portal, their vision and digital culture, which provided findings that were transformed into design actionable, from that were also raised attributes (both functional and symbolic) that the platform should have and considerations of instances of use, which was also valuable information when making design decisions.

After that we created a content map for both sites and went to an early validation stage, where we tested critical flows in wireframes synchronously and asynchronously through prototypes in Figma and Maze, which allowed us to validate or refute hypotheses regarding the way in which we materialize the strategy in interfaces. Finally, and after downloading the information from the tests, the UI screens were designed and a requirements document was generated for the development, where key functionalities for the fulfillment of the strategy were detailed. Due to political and governmental procedures, as of the publication of this case, the site is still in the bidding process for the development stage.

Nicolas Rojas – 2025

Santiago de Chile
